Supporting artists: MOMENTUM II

Supporting artists: MOMENTUM II
December 8, 2019 Jacqueline

Following on from our earlier post (‘Supporting artists, and giving back‘), Cinque Artist Management is proud to support the Australian Music Centre’s MOMENTUM II commission.

“As with the first MOMENTUM Commission, MOMENTUM II offers practical support in these uncertain times, this time to an early-career artist, to create and realise a work. The commission recognises the challenges faced by composers/creators who have completed their formal music or composition studies, or other development of their creative practice, and are at the early stages of establishing their professional career and networks.

The commissioned work must incorporate elements that embrace cultural diversity.”

For full details, please visit the Australian Music Centre webpage:

Call for EOIs issued: end August 2020
Application deadline 5pm Friday 25 September 2020

Result announced: Congratulations to Melbourne-based composer, pianist and event producer, Zinia Chan on her successful submission for Momentum II.

For more information about the project and the AMC’s selection panel for this commission: