Paavali Jumpanen

Paavali Jumpanen

11feb3:30 pmPaavali Jumpanen3MBS

Event Details

3MBS presents

Marathon Concert 4 – Visionary

Cheetham and Cassomenos ignite their joint creative chemistry.

Deborah Cheetham AO and Stefan Cassomenos ignite their joint creative chemistry, especially for this concert with a set of songs including one of Deborah’s own. Wilma Smith joins them for Strauss’s poignantly beautiful Morgen. They pave the way for a Marathon highlight, a performance of Beethoven’s epic last piano sonata Op.111 by Melbourne’s own international Beethoven master, Paavali Jumppanen. He calls Op.111 ‘One of the true wonders of life’.

Deborah Cheetham AO soprano
Stefan Cassomenos piano
Wilma Smith violin
Paavali Jumppanen piano


February 11, 2023 3:30 pm(GMT+11:00)


Melbourne Recital Centre, Primrose Potter Salon

31 Sturt St, Southbank VIC 3006

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